Welcome to the world of Mr Thinkalot! My name is Ian Mayes the author and illustrator of the popular books Mr Thinkalot’s Fantastic Space Journey and Mr Thinkalot’s Spectacular Space Journey. With my passion for storytelling and quirky illustrations, I have created an exciting universe that will spark your imagination and help teach climate change and global warming. Join Mr Thinkalot on his thrilling space adventures and get ready for an intergalactic experience like no other.
We hear about climate change and global warming a lot, it can be scary for younger people who do not understand it. These books will help them learn the subjects but in a gentle positive way.
The reasons as to why I wrote these books was to help any age group who has worries or concerns over climate change and global warming, because climate change affects us all but more importantly it will carry on doing so in the future.
The beautiful Earth and the natural order of things has been keeping our planet rotating for billions of years, the more we expand as humans the more natural land we take away. With deforestation happening rapidly across the globe and increasing carbon dioxide emissions and other harmful gases entering our atmosphere it's no wonder our seasons and weather patterns are changing as the Earth increases in temperature. Our polar Ice glaciers are melting which will only increase the sea levels.
But we can do it, we still have time to make the necessary changes.
Mr Thinkalot’s books have ignited my child's love for space exploration. The captivating illustrations and enchanting stories keep them engaged from start to finish. It’s just a added bonus that it helps children understand Climate change and Global warming.
Jessica Smith
I was transported to another world while reading Mr Thinkalot’s books. The creativity and attention to detail are phenomenal. Highly recommended!
John Davis
Book Enthusiast
What a great book.
I bought this to read to the grand kids at bedtime. We have found our new favourite book! A great message about the planet to our grand children, children and adults alike, as we follow the space adventures of Mister Thinkalot.
Already ordered Book 2.
Well Done Mr I. M. Mayes, a fantastic book with great messages.
(The Narrator was great too ... oh wait, that was me).
Dune Drifter
What an enjoyable read. The book is beautifully illustrated throughout. We could not put this down, really enjoyed Mr Thinkalot's adventure and there are a lot of lessons to be learned in this book. It certainly sends a very powerful message about the planet to our children and adults. I cannot wait for the next adventure of Mr Thinkalot.
Miss P
I have found my new favourite book!! Such an amazing book and my daughter loves it aswell, so many hidden but meaningful messages in here, finished it yesterday but deffo gonna start it again! Love it.
I bought this book in December 2020.Its a really enjoyable,well illustrated book that introduces you to a variety of amazing characters.The story is really fun whilst teaching the kids how to look after our world.I would recommend it as a good read in the classroom.
Amazon customer
got this for my son, who loves all things space. The chunky story is fun and a little bit different as it also talks about looking after our own world - so there is a bit of learning to boot, enough to make children ask more questions. The illustrations are also really funny, this makes them really engaging - my son loved them.
Bought this book for my son he loved it,Brilliant book great adventure and he loved the pictures.
I also read it and found it to be educational makes you think about our planet and what we need to do to change the way we live today plus other interesting events.we both enjoyed the adventure That’s why I gave it 5*
This book even kept me hooked! Kids loved it.
Steve Jackson
I was so excited to get the sequel to this book it was everything i wanted in a sequel and more its has even more meanings and lessons to learn about saving earth and healthy eating i love that the author is making sure to get important messages across to issues that need resolving in the real world. The story is amazing you really feel like your along for the ride i found myself laughing and really drawn into the story and the characters i highly reccomend this book to anyone looking for a fun adventure book.
Adult female
I have just finished reading the second book in this series.This is another good read.The story is fast running but very educational.The illustrations are amazing and bring everything to life.Its a really educational book without feeling like a lesson at school.Cant wait for the next one.
Amazon customer
This is the second book that I have read in this series and I really enjoyed it. I would highly recommend this for children and adults alike. There are a lot of important messages in the book about looking after the planet. It is both educational and relevant to the current times. It is beautifully illustrated throughout. Looking forward to the next adventure.
Miss P
Second book review
theses books are brilliant they keep you drawn into the book, I love all the quirkiness and the humour fully recommend to anyone that wants a good Story, I hope the Author is doing another one.
Amazon customer
From page one I was really engaged the story has been really fun it is very fast paced and is an action sci fi adventure. He invents something really special and he goes into our solar system past and beyond discovering new worlds not known to man while visiting these worlds he meets new interesting characters. while reading this story you gain knowledge of climate change and global warming but without even realising because your just on the adventure and its not before you put the book down and reflect on the story that you realise how informative it is without giving too much way Mr Thinkalot achieves unbelievable mission and he comes home with more knowledge about climate change and global warming. He gives the human race a very important message and its at this lovely cute ending that you get to see Mr Thinkalot gets to meet Queen Elizabeth which I loved the portrait of the queen.
Devil by Night
After Returning from his fantastic space journey live seems to go back to normal for him that is before he gets a important message from a distant planet his friends are in danger and rocket off to save their doomed planets again its a fun and fast paced adventure both books have humour and are really enjoyable I don't wanna give away any more other than on this new journey we even more about global warming and climate change and the effects it can have on planets. I would also like to add there's a quest character in the second book that is so fitting which I think is awesome. Most of all my summary with these books I think that people who are afraid of global warming and climate change would really benefit from reading these books as my children are more knowledgeable after reading them and feel better about the situation and feel like they can change things as the books are very positive not negative.
Devil by Night
2nd book review Mr T 2
Hi there recently I became DA friends with a guy by the name of I.M. Mayes who published a book dealing with environmental issues climate change and health lifestyles that can be read by both adults and children and it's a fantastic read, It's not very expensive and I picked one up at Amazon and you can support and watch him here IMMayes - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt so help a fellow DA member and show some support.
John Vasco Pipere
I recommend this for 6 grade up based upon the vocabulary used in it. However any parent should be able read this to any age group. Also note this is coming from an American prospective.
The first part of the book you get to know about Mr Thinkalot, how he travels and what he deals with in his daily life. Then you get to enjoy his first journey into space exploring the universe and his experience landing on a new planet. I really like when you get to the meat of the story. You learn about what's has happened to the environment on the planet he's visiting and he quickly realizes this could be the future of Earth. He is inspired to do something about it. I like that it touches on a few different subjects, like the effects of war, global warming, using up natural resources, and over farming. It even touches on the importance of a healthy diet filled with foods from nature, and how a healthy diet affects the mind, and body of an individual. The ending of the story is cute where he's meet by reporters and is able to get out his message to the world. In addition he gets to meet the Queen of England how splendid.
I picked both books up when they were both discounted, such fun and educational. It was a lovely surprise to see Queen Elizabeth and Sir David Attenborough in them. The messages and topics are explained beautifully, my kids love them and they have found their new favourite books. The climate and global warming messages are just what I wanted to read to my children, they understand now that we have time to change things. They feel more positive about it all and now and have a can do approach when it comes to fixing the Earth and are thinking of ways that they can help look after the planet in their own way. After reading both books to them they are more knowledgeable, they wanted to help and do something. We now go out every Sunday to the beach litter picking and they feel a sense of achievement and that they’re doing there bit. We get a free day out with the family and we all have a really wonderful day. Both books are really good and have been read multiple times now so they were certainly value for money. If they can make our family want to do more then how positive that would be for the countryside and beaches if other families where to do the same. I fully recommend them just like I have to my work colleagues as I work for the NHS and this wonderful story even has praises for the NHS and so many other positive messages included. They don’t cost the Earth but they may one day just help the Earth, when is Mr Thinkalot 3 coming out please?🫶❤️
I am really happy and excited to let you know about my new book that is coming soon. It will be available to preorder soon.
When I get the official dates as to when it will be up for preorder and when it publishes, I will add the dates on here.
It is a brand new fresh adventure that will teach basic Food nutrition, it has many character’s and I hope it brings a smile or at least makes you laugh.
In the book you will learn about the nutritional benefits of each fruit and vegetable character for the human body. I have qualifications in nutrition and wanted to create a book where fruit and vegetables have lives, they have names and family. But above all it will teach younger generations as to why it is important to eat fruit and vegetables.
I would like to think that it will encourage readers to at least try and eat more fruit and veg for the health benefits. As takeaway places pop up everywhere I feel it’s important for younger people to understand that home made and fresh is always healthier. That takeaways should be a occasional treat and not to be eaten Monday-Friday for health reasons.
I am pleased to reveal the name of the book, so it would be really kind and appreciated if you would give it a look or a chance. it will be available on Kindle, paperback and hardcover.
“A day in the life of Russell Sprout”
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A bit about the author ✍🏻 📖📘
Hello and thank you for showing interest or for reading this section.
My name is Ian Mayes, I am 40 and I live in the United Kingdom. I love the UK and I enjoy chatting to anyone, whether that be people from the UK or any other part of the world.
One thing I really care about is humanity, Climate change and Global warming, I am fully aware everyone has different views on the subject. There are people who believe and there are people who do not believe in it. Global warming and Climate change can happen naturally on the Earth but humans and our practices and ways of doing things scientifically have been proven to increase the temperature of our planet.
I have Osteoarthiritis and sometimes this slows me down or makes things much harder but I will always persist and strive to do more.
Growing up and being enthralled with nature and our living planet and how things work, how one species may die off/ become extinct and how that can affect other species of animals, bugs etc or even plants and trees.
When I was younger I wanted to learn about all these subjects and also how we can improve things or what effects we have on the planet and how are population increase can affect our surrounding environment.
As I got a bit older and Climate change become more of a conversation spoken about in todays times. I wanted to help younger people understand it as I am fully aware how it can upset or worry others. I wanted to simplify it and explain we have time to change our ways in a positive way.
How it all helps
I really enjoy writing and drawing and I want nothing more than to continue on doing so in the future, I have books and art work that I would love to create but it is costly to publish.
Stationary, laptops (I am on my second one) drawing tablets (I need a new one soon) marketing costs, website costs and financing it all has been very difficult for me as none of it is cheap.
Writing reviews, sharing on social media and networking is all fantastic support. Sharing my website with other people or even mentioning the website on peoples social media can help. It does not always have to be financial support as it all helps. Word of mouth is a other example.
Purchasing any of my books or doing any of the above will allow me to continue doing what I really enjoy to do and what I feel inspired to do.
If you like or enjoy what I do, any form of support is hugely appreciated, to those who have supported In anyway at all I just want to give you a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. As it means more to me than you will ever know.
I am not sure what the future holds but I want so much to continue on while I still can. Age, health conditions will ultimately get worse and I really hope I can achieve and do more.
My drawing tablet is on it's last legs and I very much doubt I can afford a new one anytime soon. If I stop posting new art work in the next few months, this will be the reason and for that I apologise.
So please, any form of support is welcome and appreciated thank you.